Welcome to the 3D Dinosaur. This is the website where we explore 3D films and determine whether or not we believe they are worth watching and/or buying (on a 3D Blu-ray or DVD). If you love 3D movies, we hope you find this website somewhat helpful. Be sure to keep in mind that all 3D movie experiences are subjective. So while I'll try to be as helpful as I can, it is still wise to take these reviews "with a gain of salt." Anyway, without further ado, help yourself to some 3D movie reviews.
3D Rating Scale:
EXCELLENT: The best of the best of 3D movies. 3D must-watches.
GREAT: Not quite a must-watch, but still contains very good 3D and is worth watching.
GOOD: Not great, but overall, the positives outweigh the negatives.
OK: Fine 3D experience. "Take it or leave it" situation.
NOT GOOD: Not awful, but overall, the negatives outweigh the positives.
BAD: Not quite an avoid-movie, but still contains bad 3D and is worth staying away from.
TERRIBLE: The worst of the worst of 3D movies. 3D "do-not-buys."